Salad’s colors inspired me

Everyday life is full of emotions and color pallets express emotions.

I am a big fan of salads and fruits. As usual I made my salad with what I felt I wanted to eat. Seating alone with my salad in front of me in the office’s kitchen at our beautiful marble table with the sun coming through the window, I thought: What a beautiful salad, the colors, the textures and the amount of each element just made me think This is beautiful, I should exercise my creativity and translate these colors to a a mood board. The happiness just arrived and I jumped with my hands in my sample library boxes looking after colors and pattern that could express the joy I felt.

Inspiration from every day life. A salad colors inspired my fabrics mood board

Warm and earthy tones as brown, oranges and greens give a cozy ambiance while cool white and blues convey calmness and freshness.

Fabrics mood board inspiration for a living room and an home office project.

30 minutes later, the mood board was ready. Then happily I could eat my salad!


Cote Bretagne Interior Agency