How to add a luxury touch to your home

First of all, give up small objects that have no aesthetic or emotional value. Simply, declutter. A luxurious space is well organized and let the eye to rest from time to time.

When we think at luxurious touches, we think at few objects with different textures and dimensions, we think at a luxurious scent, a scent that is very subtle and branches or flowers from nature.

If there is one think I would recommend to invest in, are the curtains. Why? Because they would set the tone for the entire atmosphere. Invest in the best high quality products you can afford.

Here is a mood board I created for you to see how the curtains inspired the look of some decor objects. I could say the candle scent too. I might be Culti Gelsomino - jasmin and orange flowers.

Affordable home decorations that create a luxury feeling.

This post was inspired by the 100% linen curtains from Kid Interior, Oslo. They offer a wide range of textiles and home accessories at affordable prices.

High quality materials and fabrics create the luxury feeling. Natural stone, linen, bronze handles.

If you’re interested in combining affordable items with high end brands, feel free to book a design consultation with us.


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Cote Bretagne Interior Agency